Matrix Multiplication based on the RISC-V Vector Extension


We have created a matrix multiplication kernel based on the RISC-V Vector Extension (RVV) and evaluated its performance using an RTL simulator.

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Matrix Multiplication

The matrix multiplication kernel computes an n × p matrix C, which is the product of an n × m matrix A and an m × p matrix B (C=AB). Let c_{ij} be the element of i-th row and j-th column of matrix C, and c_{ij} is expressed by the following formula:


The code before vectorization looks like this:

// C = AB with A = [n x m], B = [m x p], C = [n x p]
void matmul_int8(int32_t* c, const int8_t* a, const int8_t* b,
                 const unsigned long int n, const unsigned long int m,
                 const unsigned long int p) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < p; ++j) {
      int32_t sum = 0;
      for (int k = 0; k < m; ++k) {
        sum += a[i * m + k] * b[k * p + j];
      c[i * p + j] = sum;

Considering application to machine learning, the elements of matrix A and B are int8_t, and the elements of matrix C are int32_t.

In previous article, we tested LLVM/Clang auto-vectorization, but this time we created a matrix multiplication kernel by hand tuning.


Ara is an implementation of the RISC-V Vector Extension developed by the Parallel Ultra Low Power (PULP) project. Ara’s repository has the following description:

Ara is a vector unit working as a coprocessor for the CVA6 core. It supports the RISC-V Vector Extension, version 1.0.

Ara ensures scalability by implementing a number of 64-bit vector unit called lane. The config directory contains [2|4|8|16] for the Ara system configuration. Each lane contains an integer Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), an integer multiplier (MUL), and a Floating Point Unit (FPU) that can perform 64-bit wide integer and double precision floating point operations.

Note that the CVA6 in the quote is a 64-bit RISC-V core previously called PULP Ariane.

Matrix Multiplication on Ara RTL Simulator

Ara can create an RTL simulator for Ara system using Verilator. This time, we used the default configuration

Below is the console output when running our matrix multiplication kernel.

$ cd $ARA/hardware
$ app=imatmul_int8 make simv




Calculating a (32 x 32) x (32 x 32) matrix multiplication...

Initializing matrices...
Calculating imatmul...
The execution took 11119 cycles.
The performance is 5.894055 OP/cycle.
Verifying result...

Calculating a (64 x 64) x (64 x 64) matrix multiplication...

Initializing matrices...
Calculating imatmul...
The execution took 55627 cycles.
The performance is 9.425063 OP/cycle.
Verifying result...

Compared to the number of cycles in CVA6, we achieved a 40x speedup for 32 x 32 matrix multiplication and a 62x speedup for 64 x 64 matrix multiplication.


We have created a matrix multiplication kernel based on the RISC-V Vector Extension and evaluated its performance using Ara’s RTL simulator.